This course covers the fundamentals of river engineering, including physical properties and equations, steady and unsteady flow in rivers, river equilibrium, river dynamics, river stabilization and river training works, river engineering, and river modelling. Students will learn about dimensions and units, properties of water and sediment, river flow kinematics, conservation of mass, equations of motion, hydraulic and energy grade lines, sediment transport in rivers, river continuity equation, river momentum equations, river flood waves, loop-rating curves, river flood routing, river flow and sediment-duration curves, particle stability, channel stability, regime relationships, equilibrium in river bends, downstream hydraulic geometry, bars in alluvial rivers, river meandering, lateral river migration, riverbank stability, riverbank riprap revetment, riverbank protection, river flow-control structures, river training along braided rivers, river flood control, river closure, canal headworks, bridge scour, navigation waterways, rigid-bed model, mobile-bed river models, finite-difference approximations, one-dimensional river models, and multidimensional river models.