ID | 1669 |
OCLC Symbol | JRK |
WorldCat Registry ID | 8547 |
NCES LIBID | M677.001 |
Product Name | Year Contracted | |
Current Automation System | Sierra | 2013 |
Previous Automation System | Millennium | 2006 |
Previous Automation System | Dynix | 1989 |
Previous Automation System | None | |
Discovery Interface | BiblioCore | 2020 |
Web Content Management | BiblioWeb | |
Item ID Type | Barcode | |
The library's automation system is hosted by the vendor through an Software-as-a-Service SaaS arrangement. | ||
This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system. |
Service Population | 416,348 | Residents |
Collection size | 1,073,677 | volumes |
Annual Circulation | 2,670,928 | transactions |